Thursday, August 31, 2006
Selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yang ke-49 Malaysia!!!Theres a-LOT than a word 'MERDEKA' for me to describe other than independent itself.
Tho i was born a few decades from 1953, I wouldhv fought fo M'sia back there when there was war.
Jadi..utk edisi khas kemerdekaan kali ini..sepatutnya saya berbangga dapat hidup dengan merasai kebebasan untuk berjalan, berkawan, berhubung dengan sesiapa sahaja tanpa ada unsur-unsur ketakutan akibat penjajahan. Jadi, di manakah saya memilih untuk berdiri sekarang? ya.. di Malaysia.. tanak tumpah darahku..
Still proud to be a Malaysian!
Bersempena dgn hari merdeka ni, saya akan rekakan satu sajak utk Malaysia..
tapi masih di dalam otak lagi..hmm..sedang tunggu masa utk jari jemari ini menaip sahaja..
eff the besh at 12:05 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
One of the former INTEC Shah Alam student passed away in a fatal bike accident, earlier today. She was 20 and petronas scholar holder.*takziah kepada keluarga allayarhamah di atas pemergiannya..
Bicyclist Killed Near University Of Minnesota(video)
(WCCO) Minneapolis A mangled bike and scattered belongings show the power of a crash that killed a young Malaysian woman. Minneapolis Police said the student on a bike and the driver of a pick up truck collided when the bicyclist tried to make a left turn in front of him. It was raining at the time and officials said it may have played a part in the accident.Police said the accident happened around 6:40 a.m. at Washington and University Avenues Southeast in Minneapolis.Witnesses said the woman, 20, was biking west on University Avenue when she went to make a left turn onto Washington Avenue. A pickup truck headed eastbound on University Avenue hit the bicyclist.
"It was kind of unavoidable because they didn't see each other until it was too late," witness Stacy Phillips.
The woman was pronounced dead at the scene. She was not wearing a helmet, police said."Both of them actually had the yellow light," Phillips said. "She was coming downhill, he was going uphill and they just met each other." Minneapolis Police say after a thorough investigation, no charges will be filed against the pickup truck driver.
Steve Clark is a bike safety expert. He said accidents like this one are common. In fact, 80 percent of all bike-car crashes in Minnesota happen at intersections. "That's where you really need to make sure that you're seen by the motorist and that you are following the rules," says Clark.
At intersections Clark recommends bicyclists make eye contact with drivers before crossing or turning. He says Minnesota is one of the best places for biking, but only if you're careful. "I think all bike and car crashes are preventable," Clark said.
University of Minnesota officials believe the woman was a foreign exchange student. Her identity has not yet been released.Many bicyclists said the intersection is scary. The roads are not wide enough and they often ride on the sidewalks, even though that's not legal.
eff the besh at 5:12 PM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
just found out that my frens granny got admitted in the batu pahat's hospital.pity my fren n his aunt are taking turns in watching, nursing & taking care of her. i hope she can make it and become healthy again.reminising about hospital..i never got admitted in m'sias hospital but was once engaged to ukraines hospital.i jot down a few lines about it.feel free to read!
p/s: i was in the hospital when i wrote this..
Life is full of obstacles.. if u back up so fast.. u’ll be left behind.. There aint no one can save u..
One thing to make urself a good doctor, is to learn from urself.the closest specimen and to try and keep in mind whatever things experienced. Learn ur symptoms, medications, the way of treatment will definitely make urself easier to recognize same diseases on other people.. and make u treat em quicker. Let people check on u as if u’ll do the same thing on others. One day.. people help us when we help them. Aint life a big, great experience to learn? Soar..
p/s again : actually this piece is to send to my mom(love u!) i just called her n told im okay..(she cried a week b4 since i'd lost without a word.) but everythings were ok rite after she heard my voice.
*a few lines were changed here and there(tapis) n were added fo readers convenience..
Hye mom.. how r u?
By the time u read this, im off da hospital already..
No worries.. im okay.. just admitted to the hospital about a week ago.
Everything was fine.. i had rubella, measles, or krasnuha in Russian which means reddish.
My life in the hospital was not dat miserable. Of course no friend will make me bored. But not here. the room is superb but not the bed. It is a springy-type of bed which makes sounds of wicg~~wegk~~ when I slept on it! :D. Makes u shake urself lullaby before sleep.
Theres a bathtub but I never get naked in it. A toilet and …suddenly theres a song “takdir penentu segala” from my laptop of course!
Reminds me of Malaysia instantly.. n of course.. what a life I had there.. n future life im going to face.. soon..
Back to the room description.. theres a bed for adult, n another one for lil kids. Since this hospital was named general radiology, dedskii infektsi (children’s infections).
A table, a side-bed rack, 3 chairs. with a wide double-pane-glass window n grilled outside on my left (from where I sat) n a pane-glass window on my right.(maybe for checking purposes. duh!)
Day 1
I woke up early and shower. I noticed something wrong about my complexions. I wondered is it the “clinique” cream or the “garnier” face wash? (cheap product).Confused, hence do my routine.. answering anatomy questions since the exam is around the corner. Dat nite I slept at 9.
Day 2
Something was really wrong with me.. my face has completely changed. My hands started to blemish and red dots scattered all over it. Everybody got puzzled since I got hyper-skin-sensitivity, dat makes every skin diseases are after me first. 10 am I went to da university’s policlinic with hani. I was suspected rubella n was sent to the hospital at once!without a chance to say bye-bye. By the “skora pamosh” a.k.a ambulance of course. The funny thing about me taken away by the ‘skora pamosh’ is dat the 3 workers in there are all afraid to go near me! although they knew dat they were vaccinated! Plus, im not DAT sick, but they carried me like carrying a half-dead person… I mean.. its only rubella.. then I heard thru the intercom radio, a babushka(granny) fainted and needed an ambulance. But there aint any free ambulance! Pity dat nanny.. :( :( :( .. felt guilty if dat nanny couldn’t survive..i shud’hv gone by bus or ‘mashrut’ (a van type of public vehicle). i hope shes fine and doing ok.
At the hospital
With only my school bag, jeans, winter coat, boots, hat, a few ‘grievens’(Ukrainian currency), n a broken handphone (failed to switched on due to memory full)- I sakit dia pon nak sakit!. That’s all I got to survive. Lucky me I’m able to speak Russian n understands them 90%-ly.
My first lunch is a plate of wheat in an eating manner. I mean I used to eat wheat n dairy stuffs back there in m’sia.. with milk! But to put them with chicken n soup like ure eating porridge n “nasi”…its kinda weird n freaky tho. Not just dat, I used to like hospital food, tho I never admitted to any hospital! but this one is really 1 in a million n against all odds. So, I choose to sip only the soup.. thats all. The tea disgust me since it was put inside the urine bottle instead of a cup. Hmm.. this is kid hospital neway.. dats why they use bottle instead of chashka (cup), and so I slept the whole day…till evening.. i was struggling to call my friends.. but as I told, with broken phone.. hmm.. dat sounded impossible!
Thx to this nurse dat gave me permission to use her hp.
I tried.. n tried.. recalling numbers.. hey, its not a 7-digit nos o.k. it’s a 12-digit nos! all seems to arrange upside down.. at last I got to call nookie and asked for her help. then.. so suddenly out of nowhere.. miracle happens. Hani called thru my phone! hmm.. miracle always happen in hospital! Maybe because of the present of thousands of angels.. J
So, I asked her to assemble my stuffs n give to nookie for her to pass to me. and so dat nite zam, nookie, day n chep glad plus happy!
They brought stuffs(including laptop) but not food..:( :(
But I’m glad.. hey! Its not easy to get fren during tuff times! Plus, who can go out at nitetime so far away for ur hs? They could..
After a few minutes chatting,joking…they had to go..and so they went.. of coz they cant stay longer! It’s a 10 degrees cold n windy..nite time, remember? I pity them, since they cant be with me inside the cozy room..but, rules are rules!
After they went, I checked up some stuffs to see whats there n whats not. Then.. feeling so sleepy n straight away went to bed and ended up eating nothing except for a few spoons of wheat soup.
Day 3
I woke up with a week-time hunger..a cannibal hunger! and waiting for food to come. Whatever it is I will definitely munch!(xcept fo pork!) Luckily..they served ‘kusochka khlib c maslom’ - piece of bread with butter, a cup of ‘chai’(tea) and a plate of chicken flavor soup. The soup was nice, maybe im famished! And the masla(butter) was nice too.. maybe it is ‘krimski’ (a famous butter brand here).. and so did the tea. ‘Sladki chai’ sweet tea for sweet person..;p
I think the reason they put it sweet is for the blood pressure thingy.
And so I ate everything, leaving the ‘griasnuyu tarelku i chashku’ (dirty plate n cup) behind. Hey! I wanted to clean them up but the workers here are so kind n polite n oriented to do work! Hehe.. of course they clean up my mass n everything.
Hmm.. I havnt told dat they asked for my urine and stool for examine purposes. The first nite at the hospital trembled was difficult fo me to adapt, but I managed. So, after eating, I tried to ‘kakat’(stooling). Its damn hard since I never eat anything yesterday. And so I tried..after sitting there ( in the toilet) for half an hour I think..
*Attention: if u felt disgust or offended, please skip this part, and continue reading at day 4.
Actually we got a few rules for doctors, or doctors to-be.
1. can face the blood
2. can face the icky-weaky-disgust-thingy
3. pervert (gonna be/hv to be/will be. Sooner or later)
4. care (got to hv this care feeling whether u like it ou not!)
(but I couldn’t find any male doctor around here..where are they btw? Hiding inside the gynecology dept? duh! Whats so fun about working with woman instead of children ha, male docs? Why cant u find it fun to work with children? Told ya..all doctors are pervert!) *puzzled*
Collecting stool is not an easy work. I mean, u can collect urine whether u had a drink or hvnt. But can u collect stool without eating anything? Okay, in this case, exception because I just ate. But food took 5 hours to completely digest. Hmm.. dats why I pushed my strength to the max to let go of my shit. Reminiscing what my fren told, if u fail to ‘kakat’, they’ll dig ur ass! Yuck! I wont let dat happen to me! Dats why in what ever position I hv to sit or what ever it is, I told : shit, u better get off my ass b4 they did sumthing bad to us! Haha.. quite hilarious when I thought that back! And.. at last, it came out. Another disgust thing to do. Is how to take the shit out and put it in its ‘bank’-bottle. Trust me, u dunt wanna know dat!
After a worthwhile fight, I went to sleep, due to severe lost energy I think! Then, I woke up after a few hours of nice sleep.. by the noise made by the hosp attendant dat ask me to eat lunch. Felt disgust once remembered ‘the moment’. This time they’re serving this weird dish but nice.. ’bali goreng kot’!(maybe fried barley) Hahaha.. i dunno what the heck is it. It is barley.. and what make it weird is that it was mixed with chicken! I always got it chicken or pork.. pork or chicken.. i never taste a pork before so I dunno. But to think back, they didn’t serve pork as a dish in hospital..moreover to kids! But what ever it is, its nice! And a very nice dish for diet. Plus, its tasteful! Nyum nyum.. feel like eating more! Dunt care whether ‘bali goreng’ or whatever.. but after a few spoon of munching, I felt like puking since the ‘that moment’ flashed back. But I hv to get over it. So I continued eating. To my surprised I finished everything! To tell you back, this was the same dish they gave that I didn’t eat a day before. Remember I told dat it was weird? Its not dat weird after all.. after eating.. what do u think im about to do? Haha.. off to sleep, of course! No exceptions! Hey..i’m in a hospital, plus! sick = excused.. *wink*
So suddenly out of nowhere.. somebody knocked on the double-pane-glass window. It was chep! How happy I am to see him. He told dat azza, mirul, and pae came to visit me. So I wore my mask for safety precautions. I thought dat they were permitted to come in my room, at first. But they are forbidden. What to do.. I ‘m the princess from above.. who came for the sake of love but been cursed by the Witches of Jealousy.. the simplest way to break the curse is by showing love from ‘the family’ .. and so ‘the family’ assembled and gathered power, care and love(which is me)..with the portions of love, lure, happy, sweet, jest and together they cured me..*wink*
* a nice ‘skazka’ (fairytale) as a commercial break for all of you. ;p sad dat we got to chat only thru glasses and bars. But they are the best medicine.. my temperature dropped dat evening and made me normal again. I felt normal! Thanks fo’ da jokes, guys! Lov ya! Not long after chatting and joking, hilmi and ridhuan (a tatarian) came.. but he had to go early due to som stuffs to do. Azza,chep,mirul n pae went late although azza was fasting. Im flattered! Sob..sob..
They brought me stuffs from hostel and chicken-flavor porridge cooked by day. Thanx day! It was a mouthful dish dat made me hurt the hospital attendants for not eating theirs. They served baby porridge taste like ‘nestum’ but a bit salty. I ate a few spoons by the way. Then, what else to do?.. I switched on my laptop.. played ‘ayatul Qur’an’, and started to bath for sanitations sake. Washed my trousers and undies.. then, ‘solat’. Hmm. .how I love this hospital. The kind of hospital dat gives me such privacy needed! With your own room, bathroom and toilet, and selected people only for visit purposes. How privacy is dat? (I felt like Anwar Ibrahim for a while). With their 4++-stars hospitality, I think I should propose such hospital in Malaysia. I went to sleep early dat day as usual.
Day 4
Hmm.. its quite a boring day since everybody’s having exam ..i wanted to go out and do my exam instead of sitting here and doing nothing.(study sket2 a).. but im a workoholic woman (*thinking*).. and too much sleep enervate me. Just as I thought this hospital gave me the best hospitality, hmm..i should do correction on dat! Minus 1 star! They forgot to give me breakfast.. how starved I felt. At first I thought because of my bleeding throat dat they forbid me from eating. i asked the attendant, and i heard she asked about me by the name 'kraski'? = si merah? and she got back to me and said they forgot..
But forgot?.. unforgettable.. just for few seconds I thought, maybe this is the way for me to appreciate what they cooked!hmm..dah la lapar!siap dpt gelaran baru lagi.
So, then again about 2 o’clock they served my lunch. Of course I finished everything. Not a few hours after dat they served dinner. At about 5.45 pm. How did they expect me to finish my meals within a few hours? Maybe dats why I never finished my dinner.
Forgot to tell..they suspected me of infected by angina. A disease coz by virus dat affect hearts, and internal organs.
Day 5
I woke up early just to ensure im physically healthy n that im ready to go out and face the awake earlier than the time that those doctors normally check. I did push-ups immediately after woke up to make sure my heart beats actively and strong! Just a few moments after finish straining myself, the doctor showed up. She checked my temperature, my heartbeats(I know its strong.*wink)..breathe in.. breathe out..
And she all gud n I can go if I want to. But she requested me to stay(maybe because she bored) to make sure im really healthy and virusless..
But like hell im gonna stay! By noon, I packed my stuffs n gone.
Dats all fo u to read. Hope u can imagine urself the situation I faced. Hmm..neway.. lain kali jgn cabut time ada rubella injections! I this a lesson that I learned.
eff the besh at 8:26 AM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
~*cRy bAby cRy*~
by sean paul feat joss stone & carlos santana
Going back to the memories
Reminiscing 'bout you and me
Thinking how it used to be
It's plain and clear I treated you bad
But girl you know that I care
Every relation(ship) have wear and tear..
Just draw near girl and try to hear and listen what my heart says.
Many days and many nights
Many heartbreaks... many fights
Many wrongs but so many rights
So girl don't let this love die
Never meant to 'cause you no pain,
Girl I never meant to treat you lame.
Gimme one more chance rewind come back again.
Don't let this love die.
Just Cry Baby Cry
(Don't cry no more)
Cause every tear that flows falls into the ocean
And rises to the sky
And then the rain will come
Right before the sun shines...
Can you feel me reaching out to you girl, can you hear my open thoughts
Never want (to) disrespect you girl don't let this come break us apart.
'Cause I know I would die without you, my girl can you hear my broken heart.
It's calling out to the good times that we had back at the start.
Baby... (Don't call me baby...)
You know I need you in my life daily. (You know you played me...)
I was a player but now your love changed me. (Dead wrong...)
I'm going crazy (I'm gone)...
Never thought losing you would be so hard
It's your turn to cry baby cry
(Don't cry no more)
Cause every tear that flows falls into the ocean
And rises to the sky
And then the rain will come
Right before the sun shines...
Reminiscing 'bout you and me
Thinking how it used to be
It's plain and clear I treated you bad
But girl you know that I care
Every relation(ship) have wear and tear..
Just draw near girl and try to hear and listen what my heart says.
Many days and many nights
Many heartbreaks... many fights
Many wrongs but so many rights
So girl don't let this love die
Never meant to 'cause you no pain,
Girl I never meant to treat you lame.
Gimme one more chance rewind come back again.
Don't let this love die.
Just Cry Baby Cry
(Don't cry no more)
Cause every tear that flows falls into the ocean
And rises to the sky
And then the rain will come
Right before the sun shines...
Can you feel me reaching out to you girl, can you hear my open thoughts
Never want (to) disrespect you girl don't let this come break us apart.
'Cause I know I would die without you, my girl can you hear my broken heart.
It's calling out to the good times that we had back at the start.
Baby... (Don't call me baby...)
You know I need you in my life daily. (You know you played me...)
I was a player but now your love changed me. (Dead wrong...)
I'm going crazy (I'm gone)...
Never thought losing you would be so hard
It's your turn to cry baby cry
(Don't cry no more)
Cause every tear that flows falls into the ocean
And rises to the sky
And then the rain will come
Right before the sun shines...
So let go
And move on
What we were
Is now undone
My tears have all dried
It's your turn now to cry...
You're losing your love and your trust for me girl
And you know, I would go to the ends of the world.
If you wanted...
Just like we started.
Girl 'cause I don't want to fight no more.
Make it like it was before.
And move on
What we were
Is now undone
My tears have all dried
It's your turn now to cry...
You're losing your love and your trust for me girl
And you know, I would go to the ends of the world.
If you wanted...
Just like we started.
Girl 'cause I don't want to fight no more.
Make it like it was before.
I tell you the truth and you cried and I cried
Gettin serious I,
No clouds in your sky, the sun is gonna shine
Chat to her Santana!!!
eff the besh at 9:17 PM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
the day i lost my key..
not labelling myself as an airhead gurl but this time it really was NOT my fault!i was out wif fren. i told my "airhead" lil sis (now she deserves that!) to leave the key sumwhere near the door since i havnt duplicated it.ended up she brought the key to her "sekolah agama" and like it or not i hafta drive all da way to her school just for a stupid housekey.

at the "sekolah agama"...

so far..
hmm..things got a bit twitchy since aint no one can enter without proper "muslimah" garment! how the heck can i enter?! law is law.. - dats what my sis used to say..

not to say im a bad muslim..hmm..but maybe..but to respect, i didnt enter the school. instead i called upon hang-around schoolboys to call my "big-brainer" sis and pass me the damn house key!


this is the unproper garment for a muslimah!
luckily fo me kids are living machine. hehe.. they'll do almost everything without thinking.. (im not a big-buly. but i do need help that time!
in the end.. i got my key..after quite a while sitting roofless under the sun at the murky pavement!
then i started to hit the road again n see my long lost frens..i got a few u know..

iklan *shevchenko fans wif vulopcious asses!

eff the besh at 8:53 AM
.::bUrNing mAn?::.

it is actually a gathering of those who believes in freedom of ones in a deserted place.Burning Man is much more than just a temporary community. It's a city in the desert, dedicated to radical self reliance, radical self-expression and art. Innovative sculpture, installations, performance, theme camps, art cars and costumes all flower from the playa and spread to our communities and back again. In this section you will learn what you need to know about creating art for the playa, find out all about this year’s art installations, read essays about Burning Man and art from both staff and participants, and revisit some past off-playa art events and exhibitions.

what isit a "burning man" actually?
Hurtling down the road to the Black Rock Desert, the colors paint themselves like a spice cabinet — sage, dust, slate gray. Maybe you're in your trusty car, the one that takes you to and from work every day. Perhaps you've got a spacious RV, your Motel 6 on wheels for the next days in the desert. Or you're driving your glittering art car, complete with poker chips and mirroring to do a disco ball proud.

The two-lane highway turns off onto a new road. You drive slowly onto the playa, the 400 square mile expanse known as the Black Rock Desert. And there you've touched the terrain of what feels like another planet. You're at the end — and the beginning — of your journey to Burning Man.
it is not like the "spring festival"- "the body art" in europe countries where they paint their body meticulously to whatever drawings and arts that they choose to become.
this is more about the imaginary beyond human thoughts.and fun also!
You're there to breathe art. Imagine an ice sculpture emitting glacial music — in the desert. Imagine the man, greeting you, neon and benevolence, watching over the community. You're here to build a community that needs you and relies on you.

the purposes are easy.You're here to survive. What happens to your brain and body when exposed to 107 degree heat, moisture wicking off your body and dehydrating you within minutes? You know and watch yourself. You drink water constantly and piss clear. You'll want to reconsider drinking that alcohol (or taking those other substances) you brought with you — the mind-altering experience of Burning Man is its own drug. You slather yourself in sunblock before the sun's rays turn up full blast. You bring enough food, water, and shelter because the elements of the new planet are harsh, and you will find no vending.
and the art is..
when u're here to create. Since nobody at Burning Man is a spectator, you're here to build your own new world. You've built an egg for shelter, a suit made of light sticks, a car that looks like a shark's fin. You've covered yourself in silver, you're wearing a straw hat and a string of pearls, or maybe a skirt for the first time. You're broadcasting Radio Free Burning Man — or another radio station.

You're here to experience. Ride your bike in the expanse of nothingness with your eyes closed. Meet the theme camp — enjoy Irrational Geographic, relax at Bianca's Smut Shack and eat a grilled cheese sandwich. Find your love and understand each other as you walk slowly under a parasol. Wander under the veils of dust at night on the playa.
You're here to celebrate. On Saturday night, we'll burn the Man. As the procession starts, the circle forms, and the man ignites, you experience something personal, something new to yourself, something you've never felt before. It's an epiphany, it's primal, it's newborn. And it's completely individual.
You'll leave as you came. When you depart from Burning Man, you leave no trace. Everything you built, you dismantle. The waste you make and the objects you consume leave with you. Volunteers will stay for weeks to return the Black Rock Desert to its pristine condition.

and in the end..its no regret..
coz you'll take the world you built with you. When you drive back down the dusty roads toward home, you slowly reintegrate to the world you came from. You feel in tune with the other dust-covered vehicles that shared the same community. Over time, vivid images still dance in your brain, floating back to you when the weather changes. The Burning Man community, whether your friends, your new acquaintances, or the Burning Man project, embraces you. At the end, though your journey to and from Burning Man are finished, you embark on a different journey — forever.
more pix..
eff the besh at 1:15 AM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
~*dO it liKe ziDanE?*~
this is a very funny clip!!*(extracted from lan's blog)
eff the besh at 12:00 PM